Monday, January 31, 2011

Hello, My Name is Carla and I'm a Vegetarian

I'm doing laundry and have discovered some colorful size six panties. I believe they either belong to my eldest daughter, George or one of her college friends that have came and stayed for a while. In either case, they have been nicely laundered and put aside for my daughter to decide if they are hers or her friends. I usually have this same problem between my younger daughter, Marion and George when it comes to shirts and stuff they are close in size and when the older one gives the younger one a shirt I get confused. I put the under wear into a pile and go on with my merry business; laundry, cleaning and so forth. Hey, that's what mom's do; work.

This particular day my brother Jason is visiting. He always brings me the latest gossip from his work or his friends and of course he is just a hoot when he tells us one of his stories. He manages to make me laugh no matter how bad a situation is and believe me I have had some pretty low moments in my life. Today's visit however, would have me being the funny one. As soon as George comes home from school, (she commutes back and forth from college) I tell her I think I have her panties or one of her friends and that I have placed them in a pile for her to go over and sort. She quickly picks up the panties and frowns informing me that these panties are not hers or her friends, but mine! Now you're asking; how can you get your own panties confused with everybody else's? Well it's easy in my case. You see, I bought new panties the other day. I normally get the plain white ones with the extra panel in front (due to giving birth to ten pound babies I had to have that little extra support down there), but since my weight loss I thought a little color was in order and no more front panels anymore. My brother is laughing when I have realized that the panties I have threatened to burn if nobody claims them are actually mine.

Now how did I get to this place in my life where I'm buying smaller and more colorful underwear has been under fire from my family and friends and yes, acquaintances. But I have made my choice and felt today, I should explain my reason. Perhaps some of you will understand after you read this blog and stop and think of what I'm saying.

I have been asked by so many, what are you taking? You have lost a lot of weight and I want whatever it is you are taking. My polite answer is I'm not taking anything. I just found myself. Nobody believes you when you say that which is odd. Don't you think you can loose weight after finding yourself? Then I reveal that I'm vegetarian. Suddenly like a dramatic soap opera, oh that's dangerous or are you crazy you have to have meat, you need protein and iron. Boy here it comes. Some go on to say, no you aren't, I saw you eat hamburgers in the past. Yes, I did and now I don't. I wish I could say I just woke up one day and decided to become a vegetarian, but the truth in the matter is, it happened from a trip to California, where they actually eat healthy with fresh veggies, fresh fish and fresh fruit. But that wasn't the deciding factor. I do give credit however where it is due and that one person who held a mirror up in my face and made me think about myself. Yes, I became a vegetarian after meeting actor, writer, Dirk Benedict and reading his book Confessions of a Kamikaze Cowboy. I know you are rolling your eyes, thinking she's taking advice from a crazy washed up actor that does that weird macrobiotic diet. But hear me out before you judge.

After my husband died, I did what most parents do when left to pick up the pieces of a once happy home; I put all my energy into my kids. They needed me right now and I wasn't going to tank up on drugs to get through the day to do it. Even though several people commented on the fact I was walking the tight rope without a safety net in doing so. I made the choice to have a clear head to take care of my kids. I was going to pick myself up and put them first, which I did. Unfortunately I sort of lost who I was when I did that. At least that is what I thought. But after taking some time to examine my life in general, I found I have always put everybody ahead of me and yes, lost a little bit of me each time.

While I was in California I ate healthy for once. Not that I didn't before, but something about the veggie, fruit, fish diet was absolutely pleasing. I felt full at the end of the meal and breakfast was wonderful with all the fruit and whole grains presented to us. I already limited myself on any sort of caffeine drink; I could stay up for days if I drank too much so I usually stuck with water and my little alcoholic drink, hey its vacation.

Now after meeting Mr. Benedict and reading his book Confessions of a Kamikaze Cowboy in one night, and re-reading it on the way back home to Texas. I was gaining some information about myself. I quickly learned that I had to change myself and in doing so, I had to get control of my life. So where does one start with this new found information; my diet. Let's face it people the theory you are what you eat, is true. It all leads back to that so I started there. I could have chosen any diet plan as they say, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, everything baked diet, instead I went vegetarian not because I wanted to loose weight but because I wanted a healthier life in general. The other diets are only a temporary fix to my problem. I had to really think hard, do I really want to change myself? But beginning with my diet or shall I say the inside of a machine where all transformations take place would be my beginning. Once I established how I was going to eat, I stuck to it. Now with good food comes abundance of energy. What do you do with that excess energy you never had before? Every morning I wake up and smile at myself. Yes, that is the first smile of the day; myself. It's not vanity that causes this, it's the fact I see I'm healthier, happier and finally finding myself. Once I'm dressed I say to myself, (I take note from Mr. Benedict when I say this) Chew your rice. Drink your tea. Wear clothes. And everything else will take care of itself. I began taking thirty minutes in the morning to work out and another thirty minutes to walk in the evening. While most of you thank God at the end of the day, I thank him when I do my cooling down stretches on my yoga pad in the morning, where it is quiet and I am not disturbed or caring what the world has planned for me for the day. Changing my eating and adding exercise was the best thing for me. It gave me energy to finish projects around the house, it gave me strength to let go of my grief that had burden me so much. My family and friends slowly noticed the physical changes that were beginning to show but my mental and emotional changes were being seen more as well. I still had a few things I had to do with my life. Like letting go of negative people which I soon did and surrounded myself with positive people. Of course, I would also learn some positive people were not so positive people after all and they too would become obsolete in my life. The small things are small things and big things aren't so big after all, we just trick ourselves into thinking they are. With my attitude changing, my body getting healthy, my mind clearing up from the garbage that has been pumped in there by negative people, I had one more task to do. I went back to writing, which had my kids and the rest of the world thinking I had given up on. It's all slow going, but I would soon be typing a way every day. All this from a diet you ask? Yes.

No diet pills, no meat, no sugar, and no caffeine, just pure veggies and fruit. Yes, I have learned a few things about whole grains, brown rice, green teas, miso soup, beans, oatmeal, flax, and humus. Things, I was told was awful tasting wasn't bad at all. Sure there are some foods I'm not fond of but isn't that the way it is with any food? Now, not to say I still have a weakness for the occasional drink especially on vacation. But I follow my new eating habits. I made the choice to change my life so I could be a better mother, sister, cousin, friend and human being in general. Some have not liked the new changes I have put forth and have lashed out in ways you couldn't have fathomed. But that's okay. I have had great support from the ones who have supported my choice, especially my children and understand why I made a choice.

We all have to find ourselves eventually even after we have lost ourselves slowly over time. Eventually you will have to make a choice and discover yourself. So, when I look at the new panties I bought and know I have went from a size twelve jean down to a size eight. My tee shirts are mediums instead of extra large all because I found myself. I say screw those who criticize who I am. At least I'm not having the headaches anymore, heartburn episodes, insomnia, severe monthly cramps and acne problems. I have also noticed my allergies and sinus haven't been acting up and this season I haven't had a cold not even the crude that plagued the town. As my sister in law Paula said, "You eat healthy, no wonder you haven't got sick." I use to have to take Tylenol on a regular basis for of my legs. In the past few months I haven't taken anything for it because it no longer bothers me.

I always tell people; just because this type of lifestyle is for me, doesn't mean it's for you. But for me this type of life style works. I know some of you are asking what about your children? Surely you aren't making them do this. Even though my children have supported me and yes, they do eat some of the foods I have prepared, doesn't mean I have forced the poor things into my journey. They have also, along the way, have discovered a new taste for foods they didn't know existed and in the process finding themselves as well. My son, Stanton and his sister, Marion still eat meat and sugar, but not as much, as they too have slowly changed their eating habits. My eldest, George has adapted this life style and thoroughly enjoys the new found peace she has in her life.

Now that I have explained myself it's time to let those of you who think you know how dangerous being a vegetarian or macrobiotic diet isn't. It doesn't cause, blindness, sexual problems, acne, PMS, fertility problems, growth stunts, smaller boobs, arthritis, memory loss, dry skin, tooth decay or hair loss. I do get enough protein contrary to belief. I have energy, healthy energy and I won't be crashing after a little unlike you all who have to have the sugary Dr. Pepper or that third candy bar you are poking down your mouth. I have done without caffeine drinks that give you the jitters or headache after you have drank it or gives you that same pickup as the drink and candy I mentioned above. A good vegetarian is not pale and pasty believe it or not. I know I have seen some too, that look like that. But you have to remember, those are the ones that have not truly found themselves. Until then they won't be healthy inside or out.

According to statistics most American's will be severely obese and diabetic in the near future. With high blood pressure not going down and cancer not backing down either, don't you think fast foods, meat and sugar play a major factor in all of this? If you have it in your family history, listen up time to take control. Now, I'm not saying that becoming a vegetarian is going to make me disease free, but it sure will cut down my risk. Lots of veggies and fruits are more beneficial than you realize and if you don't believe me, you need to go back to health class.

So don't be so quick to judge a vegetarian or a macrobiotic. I don't say anything when you are chewing down on the big, medium rare done, New York steak. Why should you, be the one to tell me how I am eating is wrong? You could learn a thing or two from us.

As I said earlier I had to learn to find myself in order to change my whole being. Several factors play a part to make one whole thing: whole. I didn't become a vegetarian to loose weight; I became a vegetarian to help me become who I am now. It would be nice when the doctors put you on a low cholesterol diet or sugar free diet they would explain this to you. You have to change everything not just your diet. Some do tell you this, but for the most part they don't. If loosing weight is one of the side effects, oh well that means I'm getting healthy all around.

Hello, my name is Carla and I'm a vegetarian.



Friday, January 7, 2011

Santa Claus...

You know what time of year I am talking about right? It is Christmas time and yes this post is a little late, but it's a story I have to share. Each year millions of parents battle the stores to find the gifts that our children have bestowed upon us in a list to Santa Claus. We did it as children and our parents did it and so forth. Some parents go to extreme and then others a present or two is enough. At my house birthdays are a big deal and Christmas. That is about the only time you get any presents around here. My children don't get a whole lot during the year so I am one who will splurge more at Christmas. This year was not any different.

Like many parents the night before I'm dragging out all the presents I have hid from the kids minus the ones I put under the tree. Plus I have to remember where I placed some of them because I bought them earlier in the year, wrapped them up and stored them away. I go for the sales people so don't fault me for that. As I was saying every year I do this. I won't get to bed until 1 or 2 because the stockings have to be filled as well. Then before I go to bed I throw some packaged Christmas snow or what we call pixie dust on the presents. I try to be careful with this stuff because it's hard to get up even on wooden floors I will be vacuuming that stuff up for months. Hey, I have to make the little buggers think Santa is real some how. Then by morning the kids are in my bed wanting me up. We go in, open presents and you know the rest with food and such.

This was not to be any different. It seemed like I dragged stuff out forever. With the help of my twenty year old we got things done. Ah the tree looked so beautiful. The packages were all wrapped with coordinating paper, the first time I have ever done that. Bows put on so beautiful. I made sure the presents weren't just thrown around under the tree. They looked so perfect, like something you would see in a nice department store. Went to bed thinking we had done a good job.

The next morning, Christmas morning, no kids came into my room excited in fact the little ones were quiet. I just figured they were being nice to their mom and let her sleep in peace. After brushing my teeth and still in my pajamas I went into the den where all three of my kids were sitting on the sofa. Not excited as usual which concerned me. My ten year old son looked up at me and said, "Santa didn't come." I quickly checked my tree fearing I had been robbed in the night. But I wasn't, the presents where laid out like a department store had exploded into my house. Then I turned to the older two, two innocent sisters who didn't believe in Santa. Well the middle one would have, but the older one ruined that when she was barely three. As I was saying, I turned to those sisters of his and said, "What did you tell him?" The girls quickly denied anything. My son quickly defended them and said, "They didn't tell me anything. Santa didn't come because there's no pixie dust."

You got it. Carla had it all perfect except for one thing; the famous pixie dust. Thinking fast, I asked the kids how long have they been up? My ten year old looked at me with guilt then I screamed, "Everybody back in bed! Santa doesn't come if you are up before he gets here!" My son ran to his room, the girls dragged their feet as usual finding this whole thing ridiculous but know if they say anything to the contrary I will bing them.

As soon as they get to their prospective room I get the pixie dust out and toss it as fast as I can. I myself look like I have been hit by the pixie fairy as the dust went to flying. Time is wasting here. I shout out, "Oh Santa, that's fast!" Suddenly there is a cat fight outside the back door, but everybody is caught up in the moment that my son screams out, "He's here! I just heard him!" not realizing the cats are fighting. I yell very loudly, "What are you kids waiting for! Get in here!"

They all came running in, by now the girls are having a laugh at how their mother covered in pixie dust, is making things work. Remember when I said the tree look liked a department store had exploded, well the aftermath looked as if Vikings had came in and pilfered through it leaving only remnants of colorful paper, bows stripped of their delicate look and empty boxes.

Later after the day, when all the cooking is done, when all the family has left, I am back in my pajamas after a nice hot shower my two girls would tell me that was the best Christmas ever. How many moms do you know run around for the rest of the day with Pixie dust in her hair? Then my older one would say, "God I hope nobody poops pixie dust."

Books by Carla Landreth