Friday, January 7, 2011

Santa Claus...

You know what time of year I am talking about right? It is Christmas time and yes this post is a little late, but it's a story I have to share. Each year millions of parents battle the stores to find the gifts that our children have bestowed upon us in a list to Santa Claus. We did it as children and our parents did it and so forth. Some parents go to extreme and then others a present or two is enough. At my house birthdays are a big deal and Christmas. That is about the only time you get any presents around here. My children don't get a whole lot during the year so I am one who will splurge more at Christmas. This year was not any different.

Like many parents the night before I'm dragging out all the presents I have hid from the kids minus the ones I put under the tree. Plus I have to remember where I placed some of them because I bought them earlier in the year, wrapped them up and stored them away. I go for the sales people so don't fault me for that. As I was saying every year I do this. I won't get to bed until 1 or 2 because the stockings have to be filled as well. Then before I go to bed I throw some packaged Christmas snow or what we call pixie dust on the presents. I try to be careful with this stuff because it's hard to get up even on wooden floors I will be vacuuming that stuff up for months. Hey, I have to make the little buggers think Santa is real some how. Then by morning the kids are in my bed wanting me up. We go in, open presents and you know the rest with food and such.

This was not to be any different. It seemed like I dragged stuff out forever. With the help of my twenty year old we got things done. Ah the tree looked so beautiful. The packages were all wrapped with coordinating paper, the first time I have ever done that. Bows put on so beautiful. I made sure the presents weren't just thrown around under the tree. They looked so perfect, like something you would see in a nice department store. Went to bed thinking we had done a good job.

The next morning, Christmas morning, no kids came into my room excited in fact the little ones were quiet. I just figured they were being nice to their mom and let her sleep in peace. After brushing my teeth and still in my pajamas I went into the den where all three of my kids were sitting on the sofa. Not excited as usual which concerned me. My ten year old son looked up at me and said, "Santa didn't come." I quickly checked my tree fearing I had been robbed in the night. But I wasn't, the presents where laid out like a department store had exploded into my house. Then I turned to the older two, two innocent sisters who didn't believe in Santa. Well the middle one would have, but the older one ruined that when she was barely three. As I was saying, I turned to those sisters of his and said, "What did you tell him?" The girls quickly denied anything. My son quickly defended them and said, "They didn't tell me anything. Santa didn't come because there's no pixie dust."

You got it. Carla had it all perfect except for one thing; the famous pixie dust. Thinking fast, I asked the kids how long have they been up? My ten year old looked at me with guilt then I screamed, "Everybody back in bed! Santa doesn't come if you are up before he gets here!" My son ran to his room, the girls dragged their feet as usual finding this whole thing ridiculous but know if they say anything to the contrary I will bing them.

As soon as they get to their prospective room I get the pixie dust out and toss it as fast as I can. I myself look like I have been hit by the pixie fairy as the dust went to flying. Time is wasting here. I shout out, "Oh Santa, that's fast!" Suddenly there is a cat fight outside the back door, but everybody is caught up in the moment that my son screams out, "He's here! I just heard him!" not realizing the cats are fighting. I yell very loudly, "What are you kids waiting for! Get in here!"

They all came running in, by now the girls are having a laugh at how their mother covered in pixie dust, is making things work. Remember when I said the tree look liked a department store had exploded, well the aftermath looked as if Vikings had came in and pilfered through it leaving only remnants of colorful paper, bows stripped of their delicate look and empty boxes.

Later after the day, when all the cooking is done, when all the family has left, I am back in my pajamas after a nice hot shower my two girls would tell me that was the best Christmas ever. How many moms do you know run around for the rest of the day with Pixie dust in her hair? Then my older one would say, "God I hope nobody poops pixie dust."

Books by Carla Landreth

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